S. P.  L E E D S

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Pronouns: they / them 

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About Me

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Philosophy at Georgetown University.

My research interests include ethics, social and political philosophy, feminist philosophy, philosophy of language, phenomenology, and philosophical issues concerning oppression, disability, gender, sexuality, race, and technology. 

You can contact me via email at spl56@georgetown.edu.

I am the Managing Editor of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (KIEJ). 

I also co-organize the DIScourse—an ongoing virtual workshop dedicated to current work in philosophy of disability and disabled philosophy—with Sara Purinton, in partnership with the Society for Philosophy and Disability (SPD)

Previously, I worked as the Managing Editor of the Journal of Philosophy of Disability (JPD) from 2021– 2023 and I was the first graduate student to complete the Georgetown Disability Studies MA/PhD Certificate in 2022.

In my (very little) spare time, I enjoy practicing photography, making art, hiking, gardening, cooking with my partner, and playing fetch with my dog.